Sank you for joining me in de kitchen. I couldn’t do this without you so I am so glad you are joining me heres todays. Every Monday to Friday I make a little video for you about what’s happening here in mys kitchen. Maybe we cook someting, maybe we talk about cooking someting or maybe we just talk about someting we feel like talking about. It feels good to be wit you during this pan”dammit” and to knows we are all in dis together.
Follow the Millibo Facebook page and you see the most up to datest videos and maybe some secrets. I am working on de instapin too, so stay tuned. So glad you join us here today.
(Sure! Please do share dese wit your Faciebook friends.)
Donate to the MilliboMonday, April 27
Today Babette is not baking in the kitchen because she is playing with dancing puppets – it is Monday and sometimes you have to do that kind of thing. Hope you had a good night’s sheep.
Today Babette is not baking in the kitchen because she is playing with dancing puppets – it is Monday and sometimes you have to do that kind of thing. Hope you had a good night's sheep.
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Monday, April 27, 2020
Tuesday, April 21
Sometimes it isn’t so easy to stay positive. If you are having a bad day listen as Babette tells you how to become part of the Marzipan Club – remember you have all the ingredients!
Welcome to Babette's Kitchen – where if you are having a bad day she will tell you how to become part of the Marzipan Club – remember you have all the ingredients!
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Wednesday, April 29 & Thursday, April 30 –
Babette is too busy to make a video. She is experimenting with an intersting podcast idea. Please stay tuned.
Friday, May 1
Yes, it is Friday and so we are dancing, dancing, dancing – you made it through this crazy week and you deserve a little dance…with the puppets.
Dancing is encouraged in Babette's Kitchen
Yes, it is Friday and so we are dancing, dancing, dancing – you made it through this crazy week and you deserve a little dance…with the puppets.
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Friday, May 1, 2020