Hello and welcomes to Babette’s kitchen! I am Babette and I am so happy you join me here today because I want to cook up some delicious tings for you. Maybe it be soup, maybe something different. You never can knows, but for sure every day dere will be a little someting just for you.
Follow the Millibo Facebook page and you see the most up to datest videos and maybe some secrets. I am working on de instapin too so stay tuned. So glad you join us here today.
(Sure! Please do share dese wit your Faciebook friends.)
Donate HereFriday, April 17
Oh Gosharoony – she is back with another self-pampering tip from Babette’s Kitchen and this one is scrumptious. Go on indulge yourself.
Today Babette will pamper your face with a delicious and nutritious face scrub…and or breakfast cereal. Indulge your spa self. Welcome to Babette's Kitchen at the Millibo. https://themat.org/babettes-kitchen-a-place-to-get-fed/
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Friday, April 17, 2020
Thursday, April 16
Babette leaves the Kitchen and goes into the Jungle to deliver a little ZOOM ZOOM video conferencing advice – keep it interesting! RAWR!
Babette's ZOOM ZOOM in the Jungle
Babette leaves the Kitchen and gets ready for her all-important ZOOM ZOOM video conference – she has some great tips on how to keep it interesting – careful it is a jungle out there. RAWR!https://themat.org/babettes-kitchen-a-place-to-get-fed/
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Thursday, April 16, 2020
Wednesday, April 15
Many are wondering how Babette’s foray into Extreme Knead Bread Baking came out – well here you go.
Babette's Bread baking – two loaves
Many are wondering how Babette's foray into Extreme Knead Bread Baking came out – well here you go.
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Tuesday, April 14
Babette returns to the kitchen for a wild morning of baking her world-famous extreme knead bread – learn how here. It feels so good in Babette’s Kitchen!
Babette returns to the Kitchen for a wild morning of baking her world-famous extreme knead bread – learn how here. It feels so good in Babette's Kitchen – https://themat.org/babettes-kitchen-a-place-to-get-fed/
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Monday, April 13
We were all set to charge into the new week with that Monday rock star energy but Babette had a terrible misfortune and..
Babette is having a tough Monday
We were all set to charge into the new week with that Monday rock star energy but Babette had a terrible misfortune and… ….https://themat.org/babettes-kitchen-a-place-to-get-fed/
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Sunday, April 12, 2020
Sunday, April 10
Wishing all a Happy Spring, Passover, Easter time – we will be back with another Babette’s Kitchen interlude tomorrow but today we are just appreciating the light in the kitchen.
Saturday, April 11
It might be time to let loose with Babette. Today is the day for it – National Dance in the Kitchen day. (I just made that up) Make a video of yourself dancing in the kitchen and send it out to the world – have a good time.
Babette wants to dance and today is the day for it. National Dance in the Kitchen day (I just made that up) – make a video of yourself dancing in the kitchen and send it out to the world – have a good time. https://themat.org/babettes-kitchen-a-place-to-get-fed/
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Saturday, April 11, 2020
Friday, April 10
Babette is doing her best to stay still and quiet – she’s finding it a bit tricky.
Babette's Still and Quiet Kitchen
There are many things to do in the Kitchen but sometimes you just have to sit quietly and breathe…as best you can. Babette's daily attempt at being a good Diva in Exile. https://themat.org/babettes-kitchen-a-place-to-get-fed/
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Friday, April 10, 2020
Thursday, April 9
Babette understands the effects of this COVID exile – here is her remedy.
Babette's world is upside down
Babette understands the effects of this COVID exile – here is her remedy. Follow her daily here on this Millibo page or on our web site. https://themat.org/babettes-kitchen-a-place-to-get-fed/
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Thursday, April 9, 2020
Wednesday, April 8
Babette is back in the Kitchen making a little magic for your nourishment.
Babette is back in the Kitchen making a little magic for your nourishment. Video arrives at 9:15am on our FB Mllibo page.
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Tuesday, April 7
Flip is very anxious and Babette has wise words for the moment. Moving from the Kitchen to her special Advice-Giving Desk Babette will be enlightening puppets …
Flip is very anxious and Babette has wise words for the moment. Moving from the Kitchen to her special Advice-Giving Desk Babette will be enlightening puppets and humans as only she can. Please send your questions and concerns to Babette and she will address them in the near future….really.
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Monday, April 6
On this Monday morning, Babette needs a reason to cry in the Kitchen. Release all your emotions with this new chopping technique.
On this Monday morning, Babette needs a reason to cry in the Kitchen. release all your emotions with this new chopping technique
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Monday, April 6, 2020
Sunday, April 5
Babette invites you to join her in the kitchen for a delicious preparation of her signature dish “Happy Soup”!
Babette's Kitchen at the Millibo 2
Babette invites you to join her in the kitchen for a delicious preparation of her signature dish "Happy Soup"! Delicious comedy with Babette Matdiva!
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Saturday, April 4, 2020
Saturday, April 4
There is more than just the food pyramid. Oh yes there is.
Stay at Home Cooking with Babette – Happy Soup
We can't hang out with you at the Millibo so come hang out with us in Babette's Kitchen – she has a fantastic recipe for "Happy Soup"!
Posted by The Millibo Art Theatre on Friday, April 3, 2020