1626 S. Tejon St. Colorado Springs, CO 80905 | (719) 465-6321
Now Celebrating Our 22nd Season!
Creating new theatre for the Pikes Peak region


Mr. Guffaw (Jim Jackson) plays with soap bubbles in every size and form. Bubbles as big as the stage, a bubble containing an audience member or two, a window of bubbles, bubble sculpture, bubbles of glass and even balloon bubbles… add to these a hilarious mix of circus, magic and buffoonery and you have the spell binding chaos of Big Bubble Circus!

              • Ideal for Elementary
              • Performance lasts approximately 45 minutes
              • Maximum audience for 1 show is 120.


Jim Jackson

Jim Jackson has been adventuring in circus and theatre since 1976. Along the way he has had a great deal of fun directing, creating and performing in over thirty original productions for children and adults. He is an acclaimed clown who has toured extensively with his award-winning solo shows Mimic Sole, Impossible Balance and Art Guffaw.

Author: Jim Jackson