Journey along on a theatrical safari and be amazed as unforgettable characters, remarkable elephants and surprising events come to life through the physical comedy and remarkable storytelling of Birgitta De Pree. Weaving poignant, true-life accounts of elephants with childhood memories of Africa, Birgitta reveals the power of “story” and how our own stories and of those of the majestic pachyderms might not be so far apart after all.
- Ideal for Elementary
- Performance lasts approximately 45 minutes
- Tour travels with self-contained sound system and microphones
- Performer requires 1 hour for set-up and 45 minutes for tear down
- Show can be performed on a stage or in gyms and cafeterias.
- Maximum audience for 1 show is 400
Birgitta De Pree
Birgitta De Pree received her MFA in performance from the National Theater Conservatory and has spent the last two decades working throughout Colorado as a performer, director and educator. Fourteen years after founding the MAT, Birgitta still believes that theatre is one of those magical places where we “wake-up and remember why we’re here”. Birgitta enjoys performing both at the MAT and throughout the community.