As this terrible war unfolds, the Millibo has put together an evening of all-star entertainment as a fundraiser for the Crisis in Ukraine. Hosted by Jim Jackson and Babette, the benefit performance includes incredible aerial acrobatics by Tatiana Nikitenko and Elizabeth Fluharty, songs and music with Miriam Roth, and comedy by Meghan Frank and Buba Basi, along with special guests.
100% of all Ticket Sales and Donations will go to:
This project provides urgent help and support in the face of the extreme or unforeseen situation in Ukraine. Today, the sovereign nation of Ukraine has to deal with the most horrendous and catastrophic emergency – a brutal invasion. Razom is responding to this byproviding critical humanitarian war relief and recovery depending on the most urgent needs as they evolve. The focus is on delivering tactical medicine items, hospital supplies, and tech enabled emergency response supplies that facilitate the delivery of this aid.