1626 S. Tejon St. Colorado Springs, CO 80905 | (719) 465-6321
Now Celebrating Our 22nd Season!
Creating new theatre for the Pikes Peak region

Summer Camps – Ages 4 to K

Millibo offers BIG adventures for curious minds all summer long!

We invite young campers to explore their world through theatre, storytelling and the wonderful world of play!  Join us as we investigate the possibilities through music, dance, visual arts and drama.  Every day offers new adventures in a safe, supportive and creatively exciting environment.  

Ages 4 to Kindergarten / Monday – Friday 9am to Noon / $150

June 14 to 18  – ENCHANTED CASTLES

Travel back in time to a world of castles, knights, trolls and unicorns. Join us as we act out the stories of brave princesses and bossy dragons, build our own castle, and conjure up fantastic quests.

June 21 – 25 – DINOSAUR ROMP

Put on your best Dinosaur shoes – what you don’t have any? Well we will make some and then go tromping, stomping into the most whacky dinosaur dance party ever.


The Mixed Up Chameleon, the Very Busy Spider, the Grouchy Lady Bug, the Very Quiet Cricket and the Very Lonely Firefly will all keep us company as we explore the wonders of our own creepy, crawly gardens!

July 12 to 16 – COUNT ON ME

We are playing with shapes, patterns and numbers and all the ways they are found in stories, songs, dances and art projects. Get ready to snap your fingers, stomp your feet and waggle your paintbrush.

July 19 to 23 –  SPLISH SPLASH

Water, Water everywhere – this is a special camp for those who don’t mind getting wet, blowing bubbles and making mud pies. Swim wear and a big towel a must.

July 26 to 30 – OUT OF THIS WORLD

Build your own spaceship, make a map of the stars, put on your helmet and blast off to faraway galaxies. Create your own alien adventures and still be back in time for lunch.


The safety and health of your child(ren) remains our priority, and as Coronavirus guidance continues to evolve, we will follow all guidelines and updates provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Colorado Department for Public Health and Environment for Child Care.Daily screening and temperature check of all students, staff and teachers

  • Required hand-sanitization upon arrival, before eating, and at regular intervals
  • Mandatory masks or face coverings
  • Maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet
  • Class size limited to 10 students
  • Limited building access – only students, teachers and staff will have building access.
  • Staggered drop-off and pickup times to avoid large groups and allow for screening
  • Ensure sufficient cleaning and disinfecting of commonly touched surfaces and equipment


  • If you CANCEL AT LEAST TWO WEEKS before camp begins, we will refund tuition less the registration fee – $25 per half-day camps, $50 for full-day camps.
  • If youCANCEL LESS THAN TWO WEEKS before camp begins, we will credit your account for the tuition paid less the late cancellation fee – $50 for half day camps and $75 for full-day camps.  Credit may be applied to another future camp or tickets.
  • Cancellation due to COVID-19– If your student or close family contact tests positive for COVID-19 prior to the start of camp you will receive a full refund less the registration fee. In this case, documentation signed by a physician must be provided.
  • Cancellation without Prior Notice – If we do not receive prior cancellation notice and you do not attend the first day of class, no refund or credit will be given.
  • Cancellation by Millibo– We reserve the right to cancel a class due to insufficient enrollment. Any tuition paid will be refunded IN FULL, including the registration fee.


719 465 6321

Author: Jim Jackson