1626 S. Tejon St. Colorado Springs, CO 80905 | (719) 465-6321
Now Celebrating Our 22nd Season!
Creating new theatre for the Pikes Peak region


Millibo offers BIG adventures for curious minds all summer long!

We give our all to creating innovative and imaginative camps that encourage participants aged 4 to 18 to dive-in and explore the endless possibilities of the Performing Arts.

With over twenty years of experience, Millibo camps are especially developed to empower students to express their unique creativity through theatre, movement, music, improv, circus and the visual arts.

One and two week camps run throughout the summer and meet daily for both half day and full day sessions.  The theatre, rehearsal studio and outdoor tent provide excellent learning spaces for all camps.  Grouped by age, all camps have a limited enrollment of 12 students per camp ensuring that every student’s experiences is personal, up-close and hands-on.


At the Millibo Art Theatre, we foster learning environments and experiences that feature trusting and collaborative relationships, a creative and meaningful curriculum and supportive, professional instruction that ignites imaginations, flexes problem-solving abilities, grows language and physical dexterity, and encourages children to innovate, create, and dream!

Whether your child’s school was fully remote or hybrid this semester, chances are they spent extensive amounts of time in front of a screen. If, like many parents, you are working from home, you may be relying more heavily on television and video games to keep your kids entertained. Let us help!

Creative play is critical for the physical, emotional, and mental health of children. For almost twenty years the Millibo has offered programming that inspires youth to grow as artists and innovators and we are poised to support your child’s learning and social health during these difficult times. Our experiences running summer camps and afterschool and weekend workshops this Fall, confirm our belief in the importance of creative engagements for kids, and our ability to provide safe environments where this can happen.


The safety and health of your child(ren) remains our priority, and as Coronavirus guidance continues to evolve, we will follow all guidelines and updates provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Colorado Department for Public Health and Environment for Child Care.Daily screening and temperature check of all students, staff and teachers

  • Required hand-sanitization upon arrival, before eating, and at regular intervals
  • Mandatory masks or face coverings
  • Maintain physical distancing of at least 6 feet
  • Class size limited to 10 students
  • Limited building access – only students, teachers and staff will have building access.
  • Staggered drop-off and pickup times to avoid large groups and allow for screening
  • Ensure sufficient cleaning and disinfecting of commonly touched surfaces and equipment


  • If you CANCEL AT LEAST TWO WEEKS before camp begins, we will refund tuition less the registration fee – $25 per half-day camps, $50 for full-day camps.
  • If you CANCEL LESS THAN TWO WEEKS before camp begins, we will credit your account for the tuition paid less the late cancellation fee – $50 for half day camps and $75 for full-day camps.  Credit may be applied to another future camp or tickets.
  • Cancellation due to COVID-19 – If your student or close family contact tests positive for COVID-19 prior to the start of camp you will receive a full refund less the registration fee. In this case, documentation signed by a physician must be provided.
  • Cancellation without Prior Notice – If we do not receive prior cancellation notice and you do not attend the first day of class, no refund or credit will be given.
  • Cancellation by Millibo – We reserve the right to cancel a class due to insufficient enrollment. Any tuition paid will be refunded IN FULL, including the registration fee.

June 7 to 11 / Week 1


Grades 1 to 2 ~  Mon to Fri / 9:00am to 3:00pm / $275 / June 7 – 11

Grades 3 to 5 ~ Mon to Fri / 9:15am to 3:15pm / $275 / June 7 – 11

We’ve dedicated the entire week to out-of-this-world explorations in the Star Wars universe. Spend your week learning the ways of Jedi and fulfill your destiny as you master the skills of “The Force”. Discover the untold stories of lost galaxies, create your own spaceship, map your own planet and uncover the stage techniques of the light saber.

Teachers: Katie Lowe, Brooke Callahan, Sophie Tremeau

June 14 to 18 / Week 2


4 to Kindergarten ~ Mon to Fri / 9:00am to Noon/ $150 / June 14 to 18

Travel back in time to a world of castles, knights, trolls and unicorns. Join us as we act out the stories of brave princesses and bossy dragons, build our own castle, and conjure up fantastic quests.

Teacher: Brooke Callahan


Grades 1 to 2 ~ Mon to Fri / 9:15 am to 12:15/ $150 / June 14 to 18

Put all the fairy-tales in a big jar, shake them up, and spill them all over the stage and what you get is a great big jumble.  Join us as we put this wonderful mess all back together in a brand-new way!  Create characters, act out scenes, design costumes and makeup and we will have a whole new set of fairytale adventures

Teacher: Jessye King Wooten


Grades 1 to 5 ~ Mon to Fri / 12:30 to 3pm/ $125 / June 14 to 18

This job is too dangerous for regular live actors and so “Send in the Puppets!” We will create and build fantastic characters and bring them to life using shadows, sticks, masks, and fabric. Our mission is to “engineer” and learn to manipulate one giant monster puppet – the Muppets should be so lucky.

Teachers: Sophie Tremeau, Birgitta DePree




Middle School ~ Mon to Fri / 1:00 to 4pm/ $150 / June 14 to 18

Discover the art of “making it up” on the spot. Join us as we dive into the fundamentals of improv and learn to say “YES” to our imagination as you bring scenes, stories, and characters to life on the stage with ease, bravery, and a whole lot of fun.

Teacher: Arantxa Chavez



June 21 – 25 / Week 3


4 to Kindergarten ~ Mon to Fri / 9:00am to Noon/ $150

Put on your best Dinosaur shoes – what you don’t have any? Well we will make some and then go tromping, stomping into the most whacky dinosaur dance party ever.

Teacher: Jessye King Wooten


Grades 1 to 2 ~ Mon to Fri / 9:15 am to 12:15/ $150

Grades 3 to 5 ~ Mon to Fri / 1:00 to 4pm / $150

Unlock the hidden secrets of the Pharoahs! Build pyramids, dress like mummies, walk like an Egyptian, create edible sand, fashion an animal mask for the After World and write in Hieroglyphics! Painting, drawing and mixed media artwork will be created to decorate our ancient Sarcophagus but beware of the Mummy’s Curse.

Teacher: Brooke Callahan


Grades 1 to 5 ~ Mon to Fri / 12:30 to 3pm/ $125

The ocean is coming to the mountains and we need your imagination and building skills to make the most incredible coral reef completely out of recycled materials. Glow in the dark fish, scavenging sharks, fearless divers, and sunken treasures are all part of this fascinating seascape and you don’t even have to get wet. Duct tape and cardboard make everything possible.

Teachers: Sophie Tremeau, Birgitta DePree

June 28 – July 2 / Week 4


4 to Kindergarten ~ Mon to Fri / 9:00am to Noon/ $150

The Mixed Up Chameleon, the Very Busy Spider, the Grouchy Lady Bug, the Very Quiet Cricket and the Very Lonely Firefly will all keep us company as we explore the wonders of our own creepy, crawly gardens!

Teacher: Melissa O’Rear




High School ~ Mon to Fri / 1:00 to 4pm/ $150

A one-week intensive investigating the hah hah hah of Shakespeare’s comedic world. Through scene work, language explorations and theatre exercises you’ll master the language of the world’s greatest playwright as you bring to life his most dynamic characters in this fast-paced hands-on approach to Shakespeare. Final Performance: July 2 @ 3:30

Teacher: Tierra Izzo

July 5 – 9 / Week 5


Grades 1 to 2 ~ Mon to Fri / 9:00am to 3:00pm / $275

Grades 3 to 5 ~ Mon to Fri / 9:15am to 3:15pm / SOLD OUT

Hogwarts’ most esteemed professors require your assistance!  Enter Millibo’s secret Floo network and be transported to the Wizarding World.  You’ll enjoy a fun-filled week unraveling the hidden mysteries of Hogwarts past and future. We’ll brew up powerful potions, solve impossible riddles, encounter incredible creatures, and master techniques to defend us from the monsters in the shadows.  All professors, prefects, and magical creatures have been vetted.  Note:  Mugggles reading this will have their memories wiped immediately.

Teachers: Katie Lowe, Jessye King, Sophie Tremeau, Lisbet Jackson

July 12 – 16 / Week 6


4 to Kindergarten ~ Mon to Fri / 9:00am to Noon/ $150

We are playing with shapes, patterns and numbers and all the ways they are found in stories, songs, dances and art projects. Get ready to snap your fingers, stomp your feet and waggle your paintbrush.

Teacher: Katie Lowe


Grades 1 to 2 ~ Mon to Fri / 9:15 am to 12:15/ $150

You are the masters of disguise as you go undercover, invent secret gadgets, write and speak in code – all while solving the toughest mysteries and saving the world in this fun-filled and super-silly spy camp. Pack your Fedora, we are about to get very sneaky.

Teacher: Melissa O’Rear


MAKE A CIRCUS / Two weeks July 12 – 23

Grades 4 – 8 ~ Mon to Fri / 1:00 to 4pm / $275 (two weeks)

Explore the skills you need to be a circus star – Acrobatics, Juggling, Aerial Silks, Teeter Board, Rolla Bolla, Diabolo, Tight Rope, Unicycling, Clowning, and more! Camp is directed by circus professionals who have the experience and training to teach all of the skills and techniques required to safely perform each of the activities. Campers get hands-on experience with all apparatus and present their skills in a final class presentation on Friday, July 23 @ 3:30

Teachers: Jim Jackson, Susan Jones, Elizabeth Fluharty, Christopher Keller



July 19 – 23 / Week 7


4 to Kindergarten ~ Mon to Fri / 9:00am to Noon/ $150

Water, Water everywhere – this is a special camp for those who don’t mind getting wet, blowing bubbles and making mud pies. Swim wear and a big towel a must.

Teacher: Brooke Callahan




Grades 3 to 5 ~ Mon to Fri / 9:15 to 12:15 / $150

Sure, anybody can put on a costume and mask and fly through the air on a spider web but can they sing about it or dance a little jig while saving the world. Your answer could be yes as we create an original musical starring our favorite cast of Marvel characters. Extra bonus: Villians sing and dance too.

Teacher: Katie Lowe, Jessye King Wooten

July 26 – 30 / Week 8


4 to Kindergarten ~ Mon to Fri / 9:00am to Noon/ $150

Build your own spaceship, make a map of the stars, put on your helmet and blast off to faraway galaxies. Create your own alien adventures and still be back in time for lunch.

Teacher: Jessye King Wooten




Grades 3 to 5 ~ Mon to Fri / 9:15 to 12:15 / $150

Create a time machine that takes you to a different play at a different time in history every day. How would you create a Neanderthal Comedy, a Medieval Adventure, a Western Melodrama, a 1930’s Detective Stories, or a Science Fiction Cliff Hanger?  Pack your bags of Imagination for this time-traveling trip.

Teacher: Sophie Tremeau

Ready, Set IMPROV

High School ~ Mon to Fri / 1:00 to 4:00pm / $150 / July 26 – 30

Learn the secrets of Comedy Improv with super coach Arantxa Chavez.  You’ll reap the rewards of big laughs as you inhabit outrageous characters, tell impossible tales and bravely step into the endless possibilities of the unknown.   Only for those capable of playing well with others!  Ready! Set! Laugh!

Teacher: Arantxa Chavez


OUR TEACHERS: Millibo’s teaching staff are all professional working artists in the field and bring a rich array of talents, experience and training to the classes they lead.  Teaching assistants and teen volunteers provide additional support in every class.


Arantxa Chavez is a friend from Peru who loves all things creative! She recently graduated from UCCS, where she starred in various theatre productions and directed (No Exit) for their 2020 season. For the past 12 years, Arantxa has dedicated her time to mastering the Art of Improvisation. Since moving to Colorado Springs, she has been an active member of the local troupe Unsupervised Improv and has contributed to Improv Workshops all over town! She is super excited to teach at the Millibo Art Theatre once again!




Brooke Callahan has been a theatre director & educator for over six years and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Theatre Arts. Originally from Tennessee, Brooke directed over twenty productions at the Krider Center where they were awarded the Tennessee Recreation & Parks Four Star Award for their summer program. She is also currently employed with Campfire Theater in Colorado Springs directing the regional premiere of “An American Night’s Dream,” an outdoor-walking theatre performance.




Christopher Keller, a recently returned Springs native is both an artist and an educator. After receiving an education in Circus arts from the circus center of San Francisco he went on tour both nationally and internationally. You can now find him teaching gymnastics or circus, projecting, and spending time with his two wonderful dogs Max and Hairly.





Elizabeth Fluharty, for the last 10+ years, has been learning, performing, and teaching a variety of circus arts including partner acrobatics, aerial silks, aerial rope, and stilts. Thanks to more than a decade of saying “yes” to all kinds of crazy adventures, the circus has become her life and passion. You can often find her teaching classes at Mountain Shadows Aerial Silks and the Millibo Art Theatre, where she loves helping other people find their inner and outer strength through circus arts.




Jessye King Wooten is thrilled to return to the Millibo Theatre and dive into the wonderful art of storytelling! You may remember her from previous classes such as Tales of Olympus or the Hogwarts camp. She also teaches various classes at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center and has starred in numerous productions! Before her relocation to Colorado Springs, she was a guest director for The Northwest Arkansas Young Actors Guild (Anne of Green Gables).




Katie Lowe, a Pennsylvania native with a traveling spirit, has proudly performed and produced coast-to-coast on stage and screen. A professional actress with a degree from The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in Los Angeles, she is also trained in stage combat, a classically trained singer, and has worked as an educator for over five years. As a new member of the Colorado Springs community, she is thrilled to be joining the Millibo team.




Melissa O’Rear is very excited to be back teaching at Millibo Art Theatre. Melissa teaches full-time as the Creative Dramatics teacher at The Colorado Springs School.  As a grad of NYU and Lawrence University, she has worked locally with the Colorado Springs Children’s Chorale, Stars & Moon Music Theatre, Theatreworks summer camps, the Fine Arts Center Theatre Company, Counterweight Theatre Lab, and the Colorado Springs Conservatory. She spent several years in NYC teaching in public schools and in Chicago as a teaching artist and art administrator. Her and her husband, Stephen, recently became parents to a little boy, Theo, and she is loving her new role as a mom.



Sophie T. is an arts professional active in the non-profit sector. As an actor, Sophie has brought talents to the stage at the Millibo Art Theatre, Springs Ensemble Theatre, and The Gold Room for comedy. Sophie’s also taught language and theatre programs in District 14 for the past 7 years, and is committed to leadership in the social sector of the Colorado Springs region.





Susan Jones is a playful Aquarius who grew up right here in Colorado Springs. She enjoys all kinds of circus and acrobatics! Cyr wheel, juggling, partner acro, aerial, singing, dancing, Susan does it all in the name of fun. Her performing career started in 2017 when she was discovered by the infamous Jim Jackson. She has been a flakey but persistent member of the Millibo Circus family ever since. In her free time, she likes to read fiction and spend time with her dog, Mercy, in the gardens of her house in Old Colorado City.


Tierra Izzo is a deviser/performer, director, and teacher. She trained at Emerson College, Boston, MA and graduated with distinction with an MA in Advanced Theatre Practice from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London (2014/15) where she devised and performed numerous original works. She and her husband, Nick Izzo, are producing artistic directors of Artists Anonymous Theatre Company which focuses on creating adventurous theatre in unexpected places (Night Terrors 2019).  She teaches in PPCC’s theatre department and loves leading workshops as often as possible.



719 465 6321




Author: Jim Jackson